Buck Wild is a reality TV series, planned for airing on MTV in 2012, about the lives of young adults in West Virginia.[1]
The cast of the show is a group of friends who recently finished high school.[1] Media reports describe Buck Wild as having "a Jackass-like element," including depictions of "activities like mud racing, squirrel hunting and rope swinging."[1][2]
MTV ordered 12 episodes from producer Zoo Productions, which expected to begin production in the spring of 2012 for airing in the summer or fall of 2012.[2] Shooting locations are in Charleston and Sissonville, West Virginia.[3]
The planned show has been criticized for propagating negative stereotypes of West Virginians.[1] The state's film office has refused to authorize a tax credit for its production, citing a concern that it might portray the state "in a significantly derogatory manner."[3]